Ann’s Butterfly Garden
Photos From Ann’s Garden in Columbia, SC. A web site on butterfly gardening in South Carolina.
Butterflies of North Carolina
The best information available on finding NC and SC butterflies. This site has a downloadable and printable Adobe Acrobat file that contains detailed information and county dot maps on all butterflies found in the Carolinas. It also has a database on all NC records and count results for many of the NC butterfly counts. Simply a fantastic job by Harry LeGrand and Tom Howard.
Carolina Nature
A great site created by Will Cook. Photographs and information about the wild things of North Carolina.
Jeff Pippen’s Nature Home Page
Jeff has photos and articles about Leps, odes, birds, and much, much more.
WNC Butterfly Lover
Heather Rayburn of Asheville, NC, is an avid butterflier and native plant gardener. This is her personal website and many of the pictures come from her own yard. In July 2024, she joined the board of the Carolina Butterfly Society and became the Western North Carolina chapter coordinator. She has worked as a reporter, environmental advocate, and freelance writer. She also spent 10 years at the Asheville Botanical Gardens as volunteer coordinator and office manager.