Triad Chapter

Chapter Coordinators: Bernyce Pritchard & Howard Skillington
Want to get involved in butterflying around the Triad area (Greensboro / Winston-Salem) of North Carolina? There are many great places to explore and discover butterflies within about an hour’s driving distance.

Meetings: The Triad Chapter usually meets on the second Wednesday of the
month at 7:00 p.m. during the colder months. Typically, we alternate
locations between Greensboro and Winston-Salem. We don¹t have indoor
meetings during May through September, conducting whatever chapter business
that may be necessary on butterfly walks and field trips.

Field Trips:
The Triad Chapter has about two outings each month during the butterflying season to a Triad area garden, park, or similar public location. We try to alternate our warm season activities between Saturday mornings and Sunday afternoons. Generally, they will last about 3 hours. In addition, we usually have two or three all-day field trips to more distant locations such as the Blue Ridge Parkway sometime during the summer. All activities are free to members.

To email Bernyce & Howard, please use our Contact Form (by clicking on this link or picking CONTACT FORM under the ABOUT CBS heading tab) and select Triad Chapter Coordinators for the Subject.